This post really doesn't have much of a point. I just felt like blogging, because sometimes I just need to let stuff out and I guess blogging is the easiest way to do it. I can just kind of open up and let loose all the random stuff I'm tired of keeping inside my head all the time. Not that it'll make much sense, especially given how hard it is for me to keep my thoughts straight when I get interrupted often (one of the hazards of having kids ;) but it's about their bedtime anyway, and I figured I'd give it a shot while I have a couple minutes to myself. The baby will be waking up soon, and she's quite taken with the keyboard, which makes it extremely hard to type anything coherent - given she'll lunge forward and start hitting the spacebar and all kinds of other keys while I'm trying to do anything. Try to edit photos sometime while entertaining a 7.5mo at the same time. RGB levels start going all over the place. ;)
So the latest DVD to send me down memory lane lately was one I found at Wal-Mart last night. It was a 4-DVD set of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show. Weird huh? Totally unexpected to find that there. It's so funny how many things from my childhood are making an appearance on store shelves. Some things haven't come back that I wish would (Glo-Bugs for one... I *loved* Glo-Bugs and I know my kids would too) but it's amazing now that DVDs are the standard viewing device, how many old shows you can find. Netflix has a ton of them - my kids have seen Thundercats (something we won't be doing again - I totally forgot about that wicked evil scary skeleton-demon bad guy - oops) and Gummi Bears (that old Disney cartoon where they drink Gummi Berry juice and go bouncing around while the bumbling gargoyles do their nefarious deeds for that poor bad guy that you almost had to pity, he was so pathetic) and now Mario Bros. Oh wait - we also have Duck Tales, TaleSpin, and Darkwing Duck. :)
My favorite show from when I was a kid though, or at least it ranks right up there at the top, has to be The Tick. And for those of you who are thinking the live-action one (I didn't even *know* there was a live-action one till I searched for the animated one) that's not it. What is it about the Tick that is so appealing? I think it's a combination of his innocent child-like naïvete and his wildly random and weird humorous musings. (I think I know when I've been on flickr too long, when I start spelling "humor," "humour". Anywayz...) Wow, it's getting hard to type. The heater has been a bit finicky lately and when the blower turns off, it gets cold fast. Plus I think I'm starting to come down with something... Probably the same thing my 2yo has been coughing in my face the last couple days. Hm. You know how some people call themselves existentialists? I'm a tangentalist.
Back to the Tick. I am so glad they finally came out with it on DVD. When I first started looking for it, all I could find was some ripped-off-TV version on ebay. I didn't know how bad it was until I ordered it though. Half the episodes didn't work (I tried contacting the seller but he was completely unresponsive to my emails - jerk) and the other half had the TV network's logo in the bottom corner the entire time. Plus the quality was laughably horrible. But, it kept me company on many long lonely nights while I was home by myself (well, with the kids of course) while the husband was out to sea. I used to sit there and watch them while eating hot wings (Foster Farms makes killer ones) and ice cream, and then fall asleep on the couch. Even now whenever I watch the Tick I get cravings for hot wings. ;) One of my all-time favorite episodes is the Tick vs. Santa. I don't know what tickles my funny bone about it so much - but I especially love the end when the Tick swims up the river of Santa clones - and later when they're disposing of the santa clones with static electricity. They go grab a santa, start rubbing, and say some silly typical Christmas phrase, then "pop!" santa disappears. And always at the end, Tick has some profound knowledge to share that he gained during his adventure...
One of my other favorites is The Tick vs. Science. Can you get any funnier than a bunch of superheroes, supervillains, and innocent bystanders (including "Tongue-Tongue", a disgusting huge slobbery walking tongue) getting their minds switched around into random other characters' bodies? At one point, Arthur and Tongue-tongue switch places, which makes for some pretty hilarious dialogue. Tongue-tongue (in Arthur's body) cries forlornly with his tongue hanging out of his face, while Dr. MungMung laments "He weeps for he has but one small tongue with which to taste the whole world." while Arthur (in Tongue-Tongue's body) is freaking out because, "I can taste the floor! I can taste everything!"
Classic. :)
Well I guess I should end the ramblings for now. The kids are all ready for bed, and the girls are playing a little too rambunctiously in their room. I look forward to when we can separate the 2yo from her older sisters again. *sigh*
9 months ago
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