I finally decided to try out some more high-speed shots of water - and look what I got! I'm so proud of this one. It was pretty hard to get it just right - but I love how the entire stream was captured in the frame, with that little droplet on the end. :) Check out the other photos in my Waterful set for some other shots I'm really proud of. :)
Another fun thing I've been doing lately is Six Word Story which is a whole lotta fun! Trying to come up with some kind of title or caption containing only 6 words, and tellling some kind of story about/within the photograph is quite a creative challenge. So far, I've only done 2 - this one ("In defense, the fish spewed venom") and another one
Oh no! We're having another earthquake!!"
I need to go through some of my old pics and see what I can come up with - both of those are new, but I'm sure I can find some old goodies and add something! At least, I hope so!